Then they are combined, left to sit a few hours, then stirred with a paddle, left to sit a little longer and water is decanted off the top, using a 24 oz ladel. Then about 10 ladles full are scooped into a trug (a flexible bucket with handles). I add an 1/8 cup of bleach, stir again. Because the trug is flexible it's squashed into a giant pouring spout and poured into a waiting canvas bag, suspended open by its handles from big hooks.
These are on a makeshift sawhorse. The canvas bag are closed tightly by bungy cords. They bags are moved down the line to smaller "s" hooks.
They will remain hanging like this until they feel firm enough to open up and pull the clay from the bag without it sticking to the sides. It is an art knowing just the right time.
Great Blog! Post More....
Wow! Great system! And very informative... I could also use some more recycling tips!
The first studio I learned in only recycled clay / used recycled clay. So much more plastic - so much better! I didn't even know clay was sold "by the bag" at that time. I have such a hard time with "new" clay :)
Thanks for sharing this. You have a great system.
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