Saturday, November 29, 2014

Barrel fire with my pottery students!

A chilly November barrel firing with my students. Snow in the morning made me consider canceling, but we decided to go ahead. 
Everybody worked hard to get that fire going, and we decided to do a fairly short, one hour burn. We were well rewarded. We experimented with strands of horse's mane hair, given to us by Wendy M. Thanks Wendy!
More photos to come when I have more daylight.

Not a student but want more information about my pottery classes in Seattle?
Visit my website: Barbara Dunshee Ceramics

Open Registration for my Winter 2015 (Jan-March 2015) Seattle Pottery Classes begins Monday, December 8th, 2014.  
Summer Workshop: mid July 2015. Details to follow. Email me, Barbara through my website to be put on my notification list.